- HOWTO: Use Skype for your landline home phone service.
- HOWTO: Create an catalog of your books with a barcode scanner.
- HOWTO: Read and write Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files without Microsoft Office.
RipIt: Ripping made easy
The easiest ripping tool I've ever used is RipIt for OS X. The interface is dead simple:

Just insert the DVD and press "Rip." It makes a complete, decrypted, perfect-quality copy of the DVD in a folder on your hard drive. By default, the folder ends in .dvdmedia, so Apple's free DVD playing software recognizes it and plays it as if it were an actual DVD. You get all the stuff from the original DVD at no loss in quality: menus, options, extras, etc.
RipIt is the perfect solution if you've got a lot of hard drive space, and you're setting up a media/backup server.
The most recent version of RipIt has a beta "compress" feature, but this feature hasn't worked perfectly for me. (I wasn't able to rip the second episode on a disc in compressed mode.) I guess that's why it's in beta, and I'm sure they'll get it working as well as the uncompressed ripping feature soon enough. That said, the quality of the compressed video was extremely high, and it went from 6 GB to 600 MB--ten times smaller.
The only downside? It's $20, but worth every penny.
Fairmount: Easy decryption
Don't want to splurge on RipIt? A second option for making full back-ups is Fairmount. On OS X, Fairmount mounts a DVD in decrypted mode. Then, you can just copy over the files.
Handbrake: Compressing DVDs and converting for iPhone/iPod
The free program Handbrake works on Mac, Linux and Windows. (It requires the freely available VLC video player to work.)
Handbrake is my preferred solution for ripping, compressing and/or converting. There are a lot of options to trade quality for size, and it has presets you can use when ripping to a specific device like iPhone/iPod touch.
I used handbrake to rip all of my son's Sesame Street Elmo DVDs to his media stand and to my and my wife's iPhones.
mencoder/ffmpeg: Command-line ripping
A while back, I used to use the mencoder utility that came with MPlayer to rip from the Linux command-line. I had a bunch of scripts set up to rip at varying qualities/sizes, depending on what my intention was. If I were to rip a large number of DVDs, this is the approach I would take.
I haven't used these scripts in years, but I've included them below in case they're useful.
Rip a 30 second preview of a track to make sure you've got the right one:
#!/bin/bash TRACK=$1 NAME=preview STARTPOS=5:00 DUR=0:30 rm -f frameno.avi *.log mencoder dvd://$TRACK -ovc frameno -o frameno.avi -oac copy \ -alang en -ss $STARTPOS -endpos $DUR mencoder dvd://1 -oac copy -o /dev/null -ovc lavc\ -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1000:vhq:vpass=1:vqmin=2:vqmax=31 \ -ss $STARTPOS -endpos $DUR mencoder dvd://1 -oac copy -o $NAME-$TRACK.avi -ovc lavc \ -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1000:vhq:vpass=2:vqmin=2:vqmax=31 \ -ss $STARTPOS -endpos $DUR
Rips the specified tracks with mp3 audio compression:
#!/bin/bash NAME=track for TRACK in $*; do rm -f frameno.avi *.log if [ -f $NAME-$TRACK.avi ]; then echo "$NAME-$TRACK.avi exists; please remove." exit fi mencoder dvd://$TRACK -ovc frameno -o frameno.avi -oac mp3lame \ -lameopts vbr=4 -alang en mencoder dvd://$TRACK -oac mp3lame -lameopts vbr=4 -o /dev/null \ -ovc lavc \ -lavcopts \ vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1000:vhq:vpass=1:vqmin=2:vqmax=31:autoaspect=1 \ -alang en mencoder dvd://$TRACK -oac mp3lame -lameopts vbr=4 -o $NAME-$TRACK.avi \ -ovc lavc \ -lavcopts \ vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1000:vhq:vpass=2:vqmin=2:vqmax=31:autoaspect=1 \ -alang en done
Rips the specified tracks with no audio compression:
#!/bin/bash NAME=track for TRACK in $*; do rm -f frameno.avi *.log if [ -f $NAME-$TRACK.avi ]; then echo "$NAME-$TRACK.avi exists; please remove." exit fi mencoder dvd://$TRACK -ovc frameno -o frameno.avi -oac copy \ -alang en mencoder dvd://$TRACK -oac copy -o /dev/null -ovc lavc \ -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1000:vhq:vpass=1:vqmin=2:vqmax=31 mencoder dvd://$TRACK -oac copy -o $NAME-$TRACK.avi -ovc lavc \ -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1000:vhq:vpass=2:vqmin=2:vqmax=31 done