A guide to Perl: By experiment

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Let there be no mistake: Perl is extremely useful.

Every programmer needs Perl in their arsenal.

Thanks to many implicit behaviors, some complex programs can be specified with alarming brevity.

Perl excels at extracting and transforming data.

But, Perl is as dangerous as it is ugly.

The syntax and semantics of Perl are complex; for example:

  • Perl’s syntax is inherently ambiguous and cannot be resolved without information available at run-time: there are at least 6 different valid ways to parse the expression foo bar 1, 2, 3.

  • Perl relies on implicitly assigned variables. To program without surprise in Perl, one must know all the cases in which their values change.

  • The parameter-passing mechanism is Byzantine, and in some cases, dangerously counter-intuitive.

  • “Context” determines how expressions evaluate, yet expressions also determine context.

  • There are four distinct scoping mechanisms for variables: lexical, dynamic, global and package.

This guide surveys the syntax and semantics of Perl by launching almost 200 probes (in the form of tiny scripts) at the interpreter.

These probes forensically recover the meaning of and find dark corners in:

  • variables;
  • procedures, procedure calls and context;
  • references;
  • input and output;
  • statements;
  • expressions and operators;
  • scope;
  • quote operators (like strings and regex);
  • eval and “exceptions”;
  • packages;
  • objects; and
  • special variables.

Disclaimer: This article is not a guide on how to write good, idiomatic Perl. Just because you can do what I’ve done below does not mean you should.

This article is a linguistic and semantic excavation.

Practicing Perl programmers would frown on many of the techniques I (ab)used here to shed light on the inner workings of the Perl interpreter.

Several Perl programmers have pointed to Modern Perl as a good introduction to writing modern, idiomatic Perl. (I haven’t read it.)

What is a Perl program?

At a high level, a Perl program is a sequence of statements and declarations.

Statements are commands that conduct computation, side effects and I/O:

For example, the following statement prints to the console:

print 'Hello, world!' ;    # prints Hello, world!

Declarations may import packages and define procedures.

For instance, we can import the Math::Trig package with use to gain access to the sin function and the constant pi:

use Math::Trig ;

$x = sin(pi/2) ;

And, we can declare a procedure that adds two numbers:

sub add {
  return $_[0] + $_[1] ;

Writing a Perl script

The perl command accepts small scripts directly from the command line. For example:

$ perl -e 'print "Hello, World!\n"'

Of course, scripts may go in their own file as well:

print "Hello, world!\n"

The location of perl varies from system to system, so it is good practice to invoke the perl interpreter with env:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
print "Hello, world!\n"

Given the power of expressions in Perl, it is common to write Perl programs of the form print expression ;, which prints the value of expression to standard out.

The scope of this article

From here on, this article excavates language constructs in Perl, one by one.

You should emerge from this article with a strong understanding of the syntax and the semantics of Perl.

What you will not get from this article is mastery of Perl’s idioms and libraries.

If you want to learn idioms and libraries, I strongly recommend the three-book series Learning Perl, Intermediate Perl and Mastering Perl.


If you want to understand a blob of Perl code, this article can help you unravel its meaning.

If you want to write clean, maintainable Perl code, you must master its idioms and its libraries as well.

[At the very least, you should add:

use strict;
use warnings;

to any code that might go into production.]


A code comment in Perl begins with a hash # and extends to the end of the line.

# This is a comment.
print "This is not a comment." ; # But this is.

To get a multi-line comment, you can abuse the POD documentation format:

=begin comment

print "This does not print" ;

It is a comment.

=end comment


print "This is not a comment" ; # This prints.


It is a close enough approximation of the truth to say that Perl has several types of variables.

At first glance, Perl seems to have five common variable “types”: “constants,” scalars, arrays, hashes and procedures. (A sixth type, the typeglob, is not common in modern Perl.)

Scalar variables hold basic values like numbers and strings (and references to other, possibly complex, values).

Constants are barewords that should evaluate to a single value.

Array variables hold multiple scalar values in order.

Hashes map keys (strings) to scalar values.

Procedures (called subroutines) accept arguments, perform computation and return results.

Each variable type in Perl is associated with a prefix called a sigil.

Scalar variables

The $ prefix accesses a variable as a scalar:

$foo = 3 ;
$string = "hello" :
print $foo ;        # prints 3
print $string ;     # prints hello


Constants aren’t true variables, but they’re common enough to mention.

Constants have no prefix, and they should only be defined once, with the form use constant-name => value ;

use constant PI => 3.14 ;
print PI ;

As it turns out, constants are not actually constant:

use constant PI => 3.14 ;
print PI ;                   # prints 3.14

use constant PI => 3.14159 ; # causes warning about redefinition
print PI ;                   # prints 3.14159

Even so, it is bad practice to redefine constants.

In fact, because constants are resolved at compile-time, they take effect even if the block in which they are defined fails to execute:

if (0) {
  use constant E => 2.17 ;
print E ;                    # prints 2.17

(If we look under the hood, constants aren’t even really constants: they’re functions that take no arguments. PI() and &PI both work.)

Array variables

Arrays use the prefix @, and arrays contain sequences of scalar values:

@bar = (1,2,3) ;
print @bar ;      # prints 123
print "@bar" ;    # prints 1 2 3
print $bar ;      # prints nothing, since $bar is undefined

The familiar [] subscript notation accesses and modifies array elements, but with the prefix $:

@arr = ("foo","bar","baz");
print $arr[1] ;              # prints bar
print $arr[2] ;              # prints baz

$arr[1] = "bit" ; 
print @arr ;                 # prints foobitbaz

Contrary to what one might expect, array variables “contain” the entire array, not a pointer or reference to the array. As a result, copying one array variable into another copies the entire array:

@a = (1, 2, 3);
@b = @a ;

$b[1] = -2 ;

print @a ;  # prints 123
print @b ;  # prints 1-23

Hash variables

The prefix % denotes a hash variable:

%hash = ("foo", 1, "bar", 2) ;

but hashes must be indexed with braces {} instead of brackets []:

%hash = ("foo", 1, "bar", 2) ;

print $hash["foo"] ;             # prints nothing
print $hash["bar"] ;             # prints nothing

print $hash{"foo"} ;             # prints 1
print $hash{"bar"} ;             # prints 2

$hash{"bar"} = 20 ;
print $hash{"bar"} ;             # prints 20 ;

Hash variables expect a list for initialization. To make it cleaner to write these initializers, the => operator acts kind of like the comma operator:

%days = ("mon" => 0, 
         "tue" => 1, 
         "wed" => 2,
         "thu" => 3,
         "fri" => 4,
         "sat" => 5,
         "sun" => 6);
print $days{"fri"} ;     # prints 4

With the => operator, if the left-hand operand is a bare identifier, it gets treated as a string:

%days = (mon => 0, 
         tue => 1, 
         wed => 2,
         thu => 3,
         fri => 4,
         sat => 5,
         sun => 6);
print $days{"fri"} ;     # prints 4

Hashes are copied on assignment as well:

%a = (foo => 10);
%b = %a ;

$b{"foo"} = 20 ;

print %a ;  # prints foo10
print %b ;  # prints foo20  

Since keys to hashes must be strings, barewords supplied as hash keys will be turned into strings even in the index position:

%a = (foo => 10) ;

print $a{foo} ;     # prints 10


Arrays can be sliced by giving them a list of indices:

@foo = (0,10,20,30,40,50) ;
@bar = @foo[2,3] ;
print @bar ;               # prints 20, 30

@foo[2,5] = (-20,-50) ;
print @foo ;               # prints 0, 10, -20, 30, 40, -50

Hashes can also be sliced:

%foo = (alpha => 10, 
        beta  => 20,
        gamma => 30) ;

@alphabet = @foo{alpha,beta} ;
print @alphabet;

@foo{alpha,gamma} = (-10, -30) ;
print $foo{alpha} ;                 # prints -10
print $foo{beta} ;                  # prints 20
print $foo{gamma} ;                 # prints -30

Procedure variables

Technically, procedure variables have the prefix &, although the prefix is not always necessary in modern Perl:

sub foo {
 print "hello" ;
} ;

&foo() ;  # prints hello
foo() ;   # also prints hello

Sigils as operators

[Warning: This section is going to going to poke into the guts of Perl. You can write modern Perl quite well without understanding this section. You should probably skip it for now.]

Scalars, arrays, hashes and procedures with the same identifier act like distinct variables:

$same = 42 ;
@same = (1, 2, 3) ;
%same = (foo => 1, bar => 2) ;
sub same { print "foo" } ;

print $same ;  # prints 42 
print @same ;  # prints 123
print %same ;  # prints bar2foo1
same() ;       # prints foo

However, under the hood, they all share a common symbol table entry.

The bareword represents a symbol table entry, and the sigil specifies how to access that entry.

In fact, the sigil is not even lexically part of the variable name; it may be separated by whitespace:

$                    # even toss in a comment
     x = 10 ;

print $

x ;                  # prints 10

@  foo = (10,20) ;
print @
foo ;                # prints 10, then 20

One could argue that there is only one variable type in Perl – the bareword – and the sigil is an operator that acts on the location represented by a bare word.

If one were programming in C, one might specify a symbol table entry as:

struct entry {
  scalar_t scalar ;
  array_t  array ;
  hash_t   hash ;
  proc_t   proc ;
} ;

At this point, a bareword variable could be interpreted representing a pointer of type struct entry: struct entry*.

Under this interpretation, the sigils dereference individual fields; that is, $ word is kind of like word->scalar and @ word is kind of like word->array.

But, in fact, it’s more complicated than that.

When Perl looks up a variable like $foo, it must first look up the string foo in the current environment (something like a hash table) to get the address of the symbol table entry for foo.

Then, it can dereference the scalar field for that address.

If env is the hash table that maps bare words to their addresses, then looking up $foo is really a hash table look-up followed by a field dereference:


Under the interpretation that a bareword is (ultimately) a string that will get looked up in a hash table to get an address, one wonders if a sigil applied to a Perl string will look up the address for that string and access as appropriate.

At first glance, it seems like this does not work:

$'foo' = 10 ;    # syntax error!
$ 'foo' = 10 ;   # syntax error! 

But, in fact, it is possible:

$x = 10 ;
print $x ;   # prints 10

$i = "x" ;
$$i = 20 ;

print $x ;   # prints 20

And, sigils can be used with a circumfix syntax to avoid the extra indirection:

${"x"} = 10 ;
print $x ;     # prints 10

At this point, it should be clear the Perl variable names may contain spaces:

${"foo bar"} = 10 ;
print ${"foo bar"} ;   # prints 10


The rarely used sixth variable “type,” the typeglob (sigil *), represents the entire symbol table entry for a variable.

Typeglobs can create aliases in the symbol table and expose this implementation detail:

$same = 42 ;
@same = (1, 2, 3) ;
%same = (foo => 1, bar => 2) ;
sub same { print "foo" } ;

print $same ;  # prints 42 
print @same ;  # prints 123
print %same ;  # prints bar2foo1
same() ;      # prints foo

*different = *same ;

print $different ;  # prints 42 
print @different ;  # prints 123
print %different ;  # prints bar2foo1
different() ;       # prints foo

$different[1] = -2 ;

print @same ;       # prints 1-23

The assignment *different = same has the same effect as *different = *same.

Modern Perl has proper references, so these sorts of tricks are mostly unnecessary.


Perl is relatively unique in its use of “context” to determine how to evaluate an expression.

In Perl, there are three contexts in which an expression may be evaluated:

  1. scalar
  2. list
  3. void

When an expression is evaluated in a scalar context, it will become a scalar (and there are implicit coercions for each value type).

When an expression is evaluated in a list context, it will become a list (with another set of implicit coercions).

In a void context, the value of the expression is ignored.

(It’s tempting to call the “list context” the “array context,” and Perl even promotes this confusion by calling the context discriminator wantarray instead of wantlist. However, there are important distinctions between arrays and lists.)

Lists are transient data structures – ordered collections of values – that show up in places like procedure call/return and in assignment.

Using an array in a context that expects a scalar will yield the size of the array:

@bar = ("foo","bar","baz") ;
$barsize = @bar ;             # @bar turns into list before assignment
print $barsize ;              # prints 3
print scalar @bar ;           # prints 3
print $bar ;                  # prints nothing

Using a scalar in a context that expects a list will create a single-element list with just that value:

@bar = 42 ;          # acts like @bar = (42) ;
print $bar[0] ;      # prints 42
print scalar @bar ;  # prints 1

When an array is assigned a list, it constructs an array with the same elements as the list.

To get this straight, in the following:

@bar = (10,20,30) ;

the expression (10,20,30) gets evaluated in list context, which produces a list with three elements: 10, 20 and 30.

That list is then immediately assigned to the array @bar, which converts it to an array with three elements: 10, 20 and 30.

In Perl, the comma operator , has very different interpretations under scalar and list contexts.

In a list context, the comma operator appends its two arguments together (each being evaluated in the list context):

@bar = ("foo", "baz") ;
print @bar ;             # prints foo, then baz

Technically, in the above, "foo" is evaluated as a list, which creates a singleton list containing just "foo", then the same happens to "bar", and then these singleton lists are appended.

This leads to counterintuitive behavior, as inner lists are flattened into the outer list:

@bar = (10,20) ;
print scalar @bar ;    # prints 2 -- the length of @bar

@bar = (10,(20,30)) ;  # (10,(20,30)) became (10,20,30)
print scalar @bar ;    # prints 3 -- the length of @bar

In a scalar context, the comma operator , evaluates the left operand, discards the result and then returns the right operand:

$bar = ("foo","baz") ;
print $bar ;             # prints baz (not 2)

The left-hand side of an assignment determines the context of the right-hand side.

When multiple values are assigned, the right-hand side is in list context:

@coords = (10,20,30) ;
($x,$y,$z) = @coords ;
print $x, $y, $z ;      # prints 10, then 20, then 30

The first non-scalar destination in an assignment captures the remainder of the incoming list:

@long = (1,2,3,4,5,6) ;
($x,@rest) = @long ;
print $x ;              # prints 1
print @rest ;           # prints 23456

($x,@rest,@oops) = @long ;
print $x ;              # prints 1
print @rest ;           # prints 23456
print @oops ;           # prints nothing

List context appears in more places than one might expect, which means that many commas are not part of the syntax of the construct, but are really just operators.

For instance, the index in a slice is actually a list context:

@indices = (2,4) ;
@values = (0,10,20,30,40,50,60) ;
@slice = @values[1,@indices] ;     # grabs indices 1,2,4

print @slice ;                     # prints 10, then 20, then 40


A reference is a scalar value that contains the memory address of an object.

References are analogous to pointers in languages like C.

In Perl, it is possible to create references to scalars, arrays and hashes (and even to procedures and typeglobs).

To take a reference to a named value, use the reference operator \:

$s = "I'm a scalar." ;
@a = ("A", "Hash") ;
%h = (foo => 42, bar => 1702) ;

$sref = \$s ;
$aref = \@a ;
$href = \%h ;

print $sref ; # prints SCALAR(0xAddr)
print $aref ; # prints ARRAY(0xAddr)
print $href ; # prints HASH(0xAddr)

The hexadecimal value that prints next to the type of the reference is the memory address of the referenced value.

To dereference a reference, prefix it with $, @ or % (or wrap it with ${}, @{} or %{}) depending on the type of the reference:

print $$sref ; # prints I'm a scalar.
print @$aref ; # prints AHash
print %$href ; # prints bar1702foo42

print ${$sref} ; # prints I'm a scalar.
print @{$aref} ; # prints AHash
print %{$href} ; # prints bar1702foo42

print ${$aref}[1] ;     # prints Hash
print ${$href}{"foo"} ; # prints 42

Perl can also create anonymous references, references for which the referenced value does not correspond to a named variable.

The bracket notation [] creates an anonymous array:

$b = [1,2,3] ;
print $b ;         # prints ARRAY(0xAddr)
print $$b[1] ;     # prints 2
print ${$b}[1] ;   # prints 2

The braces notation {} creates an anonymous hash:

$h = { foo => 1, bar => 2 } ;
print $h ;            # print HASH(0xAddr)
print $$h{"bar"} ;    # print 2
print ${$h}{"bar"} ;  # print 2

Since references are scalars, it is possible to have arrays that contain arrays:

$matrix = [ [ 1, 0, 0 ],
            [ 0, 1, 0 ],
            [ 0, 0, 1 ] ] ;

print ${${$matrix}[1]}[1] ; # prints 1

The dereference operator -> works on arrays, hashes and references:

@array = (10,20,30) ;
$aref = \@array ;

print @array->[1] ; # prints 20
print $aref->[1] ;  # prints 20 

@array->[2] = 40 ;  # prints 40
print $aref->[2] ;  # prints 40 

%hash = (foo => 100, bar => 200) ;
$href = \%hash ;

print %hash->{"foo"} ;  # prints 100
print $href->{"foo"} ;  # prints 100

%hash->{"bar"} = 300 ;  # prints 300
print $href->{"bar"} ;  # prints 300

The argument supplied to both [] and {} are actually in list context, which means that the usual rules for expansion into a list apply:

@foo = ("a" => 10, "b" => 20) ;

$href = {@foo} ;       # @foo expands to "a",10,"b",20

print $href->{"a"} ;   # prints 10

Typeglob references

A reference to a typeglob essentially creates a first-class symbol table entry:

$tgref = \*foo ;

print $tgref ;       # prints GLOB(0xAddr)

*baz = *$tgref ;

$baz = 100 ;
@baz = (2,3) ;

print $foo ;         # prints 100
print @foo ;         # prints 2, then 3


Defining procedures in Perl is terse. (Perl calls procedures subroutines.) In the simplest case, a procedure definition is the sub keyword, an identifier and a block of code – sub procedure-name { code }:

sub my_procedure {
  print "I'm a procedure!" ;

There are many ways to call a procedure:

my_procedure;             # prints I'm a procedure!
&my_procedure;            # prints I'm a procedure! 
my_procedure();           # prints I'm a procedure!
&my_procedure();          # prints I'm a procedure! 
my_procedure 1, 2, 3;     # prints I'm a procedure!
my_procedure (1, 2, 3);   # prints I'm a procedure!
&my_procedure (1, 2, 3);  # prints I'm a procedure!
&my_procedure 1, 2, 3;    # error, parens required with &

Arguments to procedures arrive implicitly via the @_ array:

sub foo {
  print "foo: @_" ;

foo 1, 2, 3 ; # prints foo: 1 2 3
foo (1,2,3) ; # prints foo: 1 2 3
foo ;         # prints foo: 

Keep in mind that individual arguments are accessed as $_[n]:

sub bar {
  print $_[1] ;

bar 1, 2, 3 ; # prints 2
bar (1,2,3) ; # prints 2
bar ;         # prints nothing

By default, the arguments to a procedure are in the list context, which means that arrays passed as arguments will be flattened (by the comma operator, actually):

@a = ((1,2),3) ;   # Internally, @a becomes (1,2,3)
@c = (6,7) ;       
@b = (5,@c) ;      # Internally, @b becomes (5,6,7)

sub print9 {
  print $_[0] ;
  print $_[1] ;
  print $_[2] ;
  print $_[3] ;
  print $_[4] ;
  print $_[5] ;
  print $_[6] ;
  print $_[7] ;
  print $_[8] ;

print9 0,@a,4,@b,8 ; # prints 0 through 8, one on each line.
print $b[1];         # prints 6
print $b[2];         # prints 7

Understanding this automatic appending and flattening behavior is critical to understanding procedures calls.

The comma operator (,) can mean cons, append, flatten all at once.

To reiterate and to be clear, given this procedure definition:

sub print3 {
  print $_[0], $_[1], $_[2] ;

all of the following are equivalent procedure calls:

# Each of the following prints 123:
print3 1, 2, 3 ;
print3 (1,2,3) ;
&print3 (1,2,3) ; 

@args = (1,2,3) ;
print3 @args ;
print3 (@args) ;

@arglets = (1,2) ;
print3 @args,3 ;
print3 (@args,3) ;

(Actually, print3() and &print3() could differ; &print3() would ignore the prototype, if there is one, as discussed below.)

The return keyword exits the current procedure and returns the value it received:

sub one {
  return 1 ;

print one ;  # prints 1 

Otherwise, the value of the last expression gets returned:

sub two {

print two ;  # prints 2

Arguments to procedures

Once again, arguments to procedures are passed implicitly via the @_ array.

If a procedure is called by & with no arguments, then it implicitly receives the current @_ as its own arguments:

sub print_args {
  print @_ ;

sub call_print_args {
  &print_args ;

call_print_args "hello, world!" ; # prints hello, world!

(Procedures called with & also ignore the prototype, as explained below.)

The convention for naming arguments is to assign the immediately:

sub sum {
  my ($a, $b) = @_ ;
  return $a + $b ;

Perl novices often don’t realize that arguments in Perl are implicitly passed by alias: modifications to the inputs to a procedure will be seen by the caller of that procedure.

That is, the arguments array @_ contains aliases to the input values:

$x = 3 ;
@a = (4,5,6) ;

sub mod_args {
  $_[0] = 42 ;
  $_[2] = 17 ;

mod_args $x, @a ;

print "$x : @a" ;  # prints 42 : 4 17 6

Remarkably, it’s possible to modify arrays and hashes this way:

sub mod_args {
  $_[0] = 42 ;
  $_[2] = 17 ;

@a = (7,8,9) ;
%h = ( "foo" => 42 ) ;

mod_args $a[1], 0, $h{"bar"} ;

print "@a" ;       # prints 7 42 9
print $h{"bar"} ;  # prints 17 

References to procedures and anonymous procedures

Perl allows references to procedures:

sub sum {
  return $_[0] + $_[1] ;

$mysum = \&sum ;         # the & is necessary

print $mysum ;           # prints CODE(0xAddr) 

print &{$mysum}(10,20) ; # prints 30 

print &$mysum(10,20) ;   # prints 30 

Perl also permits the creation of anonymous procedures (more precisely, closures):

$myprod = sub {
  return $_[0] * $_[1] ;
} ;

print $myprod ;            # prints CODE(0xAddr)

print &{$myprod}(10,20) ;  # prints 200 

The -> operator provides a more convenient syntax for invoking anonymous procedures:

$anon = sub {
  print $_[0] ;
} ;

$anon->(1701) ;  # prints 1701

Procedures and context

Surprisingly, context can even change how a procedure call is parsed.

For instance, the following:

foo (bar 1, 2 , 3)

could parse to:

foo((bar(1, 2, 3)))

or to:

foo((bar(1)), 2, 3)

depending on the context for the arguments of bar.

Before Perl can evaluate (or sometimes even parse) an expression, it must know the contexts of that expression.

This leads to two questions for procedure calls:

  1. What are the contexts of the arguments to a procedure?

    For instance, given a call:


    What is the context of bar()?

  2. How does the procedure know the context of its return value?

    For instance, given a call:


    Is localtime() returning a scalar, or a list?

Argument context and prototypes

When declaring a procedure, each procedure may specify a prototype, which specifies contexts for arguments.

The prototype precedes the body block; the declaration form for a procedure with a prototype is sub procedure-name ( prototype ) { body }

If a procedure is used (syntactically) before its definition, it is possible to predeclare it with sub procedure-name ( prototype ) ;

It is necessary to predeclare so that the Perl parser can correctly parse calls to this procedure.

The prototype is a sequence of specifiers, where the basic specifiers are:

  • $ for scalar context;
  • @ for list context;
  • & for a code reference;
  • + for scalar context, unless named hash or array; and
  • * for typeglob (mostly for passing archaic bareword filehandles).

To make some arguments optional, place a semicolon ; between the mandatory and optional arguments specifiers.

Any basic specifier may be preceded by \ to forcibly capture a reference to the incoming argument.

Finally, it is possible to specify more than one mode for an argument by wrapping them in brackets: \[abc] which will accept \a or \b or \c or …

Unfortunately, these specifiers don’t behave according to what one’s intuition might expect.

We’ll try out each one to see what it does.

Let’s try creating a procedure that accepts one scalar:

sub scalarg ($) {
  print $_[0] ;

@a = ("foo", "bar", "baz") ;
%h = ("foo" => 42 ) ;
$x = 1701 ;

scalarg $x ;  # prints 1701
scalarg @a ;  # prints 3 (length of @a)
scalarg %h ;  # prints 1/8   # WTF?

scalarg (1,2) ; # error: too many arguments

So, it seems $ forces scalarity for its argument.

Let’s try creating a procedure that accepts an array:

@a = ("foo", "bar", "baz") ;
%h = ("foo" => 42 ) ;
$x = 1701 ;

sub arrarg (@) {
  print $_[0], ",", $_[1], ":", "@_" ;

arrarg $x ;     # prints 1701,:1701 
arrarg @a ;     # prints foo,bar:foo bar baz
arrarg %h ;     # prints foo,42:foo 42

arrarg $x,@a ;  # prints 1701,foo:1701 foo bar baz

It seems that the procedure call still flattened out the arrays (and hashes) when making the call.

The prototype specifier @ doesn’t seem to do what one might expect.

The real purpose of @ is to allow a variable number of arguments: if it appears as the last parameter in a prototype, then the procedure accepts any number of arguments.

In fact, last is the only sensible position for this specifier.

Let’s try creating a procedure with the hash specifier:

@a = ("foo", "bar", "baz") ;
%h = ("foo" => 42 ) ;
$x = 1701 ;

sub hasharg (%) {
  print "$_[0]", "::", "@_"; 

hasharg $x ;      # prints 1701::1701
hasharg @a ;      # prints foo::foo bar baz
hasharg %h ;      # prints foo::foo 42

So, % doesn’t mean that argument is going to be a hash. It seems to behave identically to @. (And, in the absence of a reference modifier, that’s exactly what it does.)

Trying to use that argument as a hash, or even the whole input as a hash, will not work:

sub use_hash (%) {
  print $_[0]{"foo"} ;  # nope
  print $_{"foo"} ;     # nope

use_hash ("foo" => 1701) ;  # prints nothing

To use the provided list as a hash, one must re-interpret the arguments in @_ as a hash:

sub use_hash (%) {
  %hash = @_ ;
  print $hash{"foo"} ;

use_hash ("foo" => 42) ;    # prints 42

Of course, it is also possible to drop @_ into an anonymous hash and then dereference it directly:

sub use_hash (%) {
  print ${{@_}}{"foo"} ;

use_hash ("foo" => 1701) ;  # prints foo twice

The specifier & expects to receive a reference to code, but if the first argument is a literal block of code, it creates an anonymous procedure for it on the fly:

sub take_block (&) {
  &{$_[0]}() ; # run it once
  &{$_[0]}() ; # run it twice

take_block { print "hello" } ; # prints hello twice

sub print_me { 
  print "me" ;

take_block sub { print_me } ;  # prints me twice

take_block \&print_me ;        # prints me twice

take_block print_me ;          # error: must be block or code ref 

Unfortunately, code blocks (withouth sub) are only accepted as the very first parameter:

sub take_block_second ($&) {
  if ($_[0]) {
    &{$_[0]} ;

take_block_second 10, { print "second" } ;  # error: { } treated as hash

The + specifier has an interesting effect:

@a = ("foo", "bar", "baz") ;
%h = ("foo" => 42 ) ;
$x = 1701 ;

sub what_is (+) {
  print $_[0] ;

what_is $x ;  # prints 1701 
what_is @a ;  # prints ARRAY(0xAddr)  
what_is %h ;  # prints HASH(0xAddr)

Suddenly, instead of allowing the argumens to flatten, the + specifier captured a reference to the array or hash that was passed in.

Now, it’s possible to take two separate arrays as arguments:

sub what_are (++) {
  print $_[0], " ", $_[1] ;

@a1 = (1,2,3) ;
@b1 = (4,5,6) ;

what_are ((1,2),(3,4)) # scalar context! prints 2, then 4
what_are @a1,@b1 ;     # prints ARRAY(0xAddr) ARRAY(0xAddr)

Except that it prefers to interpret items a scalars when possible.

To be clear, the \@ specifier can force an argument to be a referenceable array:

sub take_array (\@) {
  print $_[0] ;

take_array @a1 ;                 # prints ARRAY(0xAddr)

sub take_two_arrs (\@\@) {
  print $_[0], $_[1] ;

take_two_arrs @a1, @b1 ;         # prints ARRAY(0xAddr) ARRAY(0xAddr)
take_two_arrs ((1,2),(3,4)) ;    # error: arrays must be named

This is a little strange. The specifier \@ seems to accept both (addressable) arrays and pointers to arrays.

To accept a reference to one of several specifiers, Perl accepts a grouped \[ specifiers ] form:

sub array_or_hash (\[@%]) {
  print $_[0] ;

$scalar = 3 ;
@array = (10,20,30) ;
%hash = ("foo" => 42, "bar" => 13) ;

array_or_hash @array ;    # prints ARRAY(0xAddr)
array_or_hash %hash ;     # prints HASH(0xAddr)
array_or_hash $scalar ;   # compilation error

Return context

When inside a procedure, the oddly-titled primitive wantarray determines if the context to which the procedure is returning expects a scalar, a list or nothing at all:

sub print_context () {
  if (wantarray()) {    
    print "list context"; 

  elsif (defined wantarray()) {
    print "scalar context";

  else {
    print "void context";

$x = print_context ;  # prints scalar context
@x = print_context ;  # prints list context
print_context ;       # prints void context

This is how procedures like localtime can decide whether to return an array or a scalar:

@a = localtime ;

$x = localtime ;

print "@a" ; # prints a 9-element array, e.g.:
             # 29 49 15 28 0 114 2 27 0
print "$x" ; # prints the time as string, e.g.:
             # Tue Jan 28 15:49:29 2014

In fact, procedures must be aware of their invocation context. If they could not determine this, then it would be impossible to correctly evaluate return statements.

The context of the expressions in return statements is the context in which the procedure was invoked:

sub foo {
  return (4,5,6) ;

$x = foo() ;
@a = foo() ;

print $x ;     # evaluates (4,5,6) in scalar context 
               # prints 6
print @a ;     # evaluates (4,5,6) in list context 
               # prints 4, 5, then 6

Ignoring prototypes

If procedure gets invoked with &, then its prototype is ignored:

sub f ($$) {
  print @_ ;

f ((1,2),(3,4)) ;    # prints 2, then 4

&f ((1,2),(3,4)) ;   # prints 1, 2, 3 ,4

While it is possible to provide prototypes to anonymous procedures, these are also ignored:

$f = sub ($$) {
  print @_ ;

$f->((1,2),(3,4)) ;   # prints 1, 2, 3, 4

From this test, it seems that prototype information is not stored with the procedure itself, but rather, it is information associated with a specific procedure name, and available only during parsing.

Input and output

In Perl, input and output operations are associated with filehandles.

STDIN is an input filehandle available by default, and it refers to user input coming from the console.

STDOUT is an output filehandle available by default, and writing to it will send output ot the console.

To read from a filehandle, wrap it with <>:

print <STDIN> ;  # prints the first line of user input

Every read from a filehandle implicitly assigns the input to the default variable, $_.

Consequently, the following statement:


has the same effect as the statement:

$_ = <STDIN> ;

So, the following program also works:

print $_ ;  # prints the first line of user input

In fact, print uses the default $_ if no arguments are given, so the following program works as well:

<STDIN> ; # puts the first line in $_
print ;   # prints the value in $_

The open operator can establish new filehandles; close closes them.

Oddly, filehandles can be barewords:

open F, "<io.pl";  # opens io.pl for reading as F

while (<F>) {
  print ;
}                  # prints contents of io.pl

close F ;          # closes filehandle F

Filehandles can also be stored in scalar variables:

open $fh, "<tmp.txt" ;

while (<$fh>) {
  print ;
} # prints contents of tmp.txt

close $fh ;

This certainly makes it more convenient to pass a filehandle to a procedure. Bareword filehandles must be treated as typeglobs:

sub pass_handle {
  print "file handle: " . $_[0] . "\n" ;

open F, "<tmp.txt" ;
pass_handle *F ;         # prints file handle: *main::F 
pass_handle F ;          # error
close F ;

But, scalar filehandles need no special treatment, as expected:

open $fh, "<tmp.txt" ;
pass_handle $fh;         # prints file handle: GLOB(0xAddr)
close $fh ;

To accept a truly bareword filehandle as an argument, it becomes necessary to use the rarely used * prototype specifier, which creates an alias to the bareword filehandle in the symbol table:

sub pass_handle2 (*) {
  print "file handle: " . $_[0] . "\n" ;

  *FH = $_[0] ;
  while (<FH>) {
    print ;

open F, "<tmp.txt" ;
pass_handle2 F;      # prints file handle: F, contents of tmp.txt
close F ;

The print command is special, in that it can take a filehandle before it takes any parameters:

open $tmp, ">tmp.txt" ; # opens tmp.txt for writing
print $tmp "Testing" ;  # writes Testing to tmp.txt
close $tmp ;            # closes the filehandle

open $tmp, "<tmp.txt" ; # opens tmp.txt for reading

while (<$tmp>) {
  print STDOUT $_ ;             
}                      # prints Testing to STDOUT

close $tmp ;            # closes the filehandle

By default, print and write send to STDOUT, but you can change the default with select:

open $tmp, ">>tmp.txt" ;
select $tmp ;
print " and such.\n" ; # appends and such to tmp.txt
close $tmp ;

When opening a file, the second argument to open determines the mode in which it is opened:

  • open FH, "<file" opens a file for reading.
  • open FH, ">file" opens a file for writing, and will replace contents.
  • open FH, ">>file" opens a file for appending.

This is not meant as a tutorial on the library, but open also has a three-argument form:

  • open FH, "<", "file" opens a file for reading.
  • open FH, ">", "file" opens a file for writing, and will replace contents.
  • open FH, ">>", "file" opens a file for appending.

Seasoned Perl programmers tell me that three-argument open is preferred, and that bareword filehandles are strongly discouraged in favor of scalars.

Nevertheless, all forms are possible.


So far, we have used statements and appealed to intuition as to their meaning and structure.

The simplest statements in Perl are expressions statements, which consist of an expression followed by a semicolon:

# print "foo" is actually an expression:
print "foo" ; # prints foo

if statements

In Perl, if statements must use parentheses around the conditional, and they must use braces around the body:

if foo { print "foo"; }  # error: should be (foo)
if (bar) print "bar" ;   # error: should be { print "bar" ; }

In Perl, elsif should be used instead of else if:

$count = 19 ;

if ($count < 10) {
  print "count < 10" ;
} elsif ($count < 20) {
  print "10 < count < 20" ;  # this prints
} else {
  print "count >= 20" ;

For stylistic reasons, conditionals may be placed after statements:

$foo = 20 ;
print "big" if $foo > 10 ;     # prints big
print "small" if $foo <= 10 ;  # prints nothing

Perl also supports an unless variant of if which negates the condition:

$age = 22 ;

unless ($age >= 25) { print "You cannot rent a car." ; }
 # prints You cannot rent a car.

die() unless $age >= 21 ;  # does nothing

while statements

For iteration, while statements in Perl are similar to C and Java.

The condition is checked and the body is evaluated repeatedly until the condition is false:

$count = 10 ;
while ($count > 0) {
  print $count ;
  $count = $count - 1 ;
} # prints 10 through 1

The expression next will advance to the next iteration of the innermost loop:

$count = 10 ;
while (--$count > 0) {
  next if $count % 2 == 0 ;
  print $count ;
} # prints 9 7 5 3 1 ;

The expression last will exit the innermost loop:

$count = 0 ; 
while (1) {
  print $count ;
  $count++ ;
  last if $count == 10 ;
} # prints 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 

In this sense, last is like break in Java or C.

The expression redo will restart the current innermost loop but without re-evaluating the condition:

$count = 1 ;
while ($count > 0) {
  if ($count <= 0) {
    print "impossible?" ;
    last ;
  $count-- ;
  print $count ;
  redo ;
} # prints 0, then impossible?

In Perl, while blocks can have a continue block attached. A continue block always executes after the main body of the loop, but before the conditional:

$count = 10 ;
while ($count > 0) {
  next if $count % 2 == 0 ;
  print $count ;
} continue {
  $count-- ;
} # prints 9 7 5 3 1

A next expression will jump into the continue block; a redo will not.

It is possible to label a loop in Perl, so that next, last and redo can choose to which loop they refer:

$i = 0;
OUTER: while ($i < 6) {                   
  $j = 0 ;
  INNER: while ($j < 6) {
    next OUTER if $i % 2 == 0 ;
    next INNER if $j % 3 == 0 ;
    print "$i:$j" ;
  } continue {
    $j++ ;
} continue {
  $i++ ;
} ;  



Naturally, Perl allows while to follow a statement:

$i = 0;
print $i while ($i++ < 4) ; # prints 1 through 4

If the intent is to run the block once before testing the condition, then the do-while form applies:

$i = 0 ;
do { print $i } while ($i++ < 4) ; # prints 0 through 4


Perl also has compound statements (also known as block statements), formed with braces, {}:

{ print "hello" ; print "goodbye" ; } # prints hello; then goodbye

Finally, next and last will actually work in any block, not just a while body:

  print "This prints." ;
  next ;
  print "But this doesn't." ;
} # prints This prints.

  print "This prints." ;
  last ;
  print "But this doesn't." ;
} # prints This prints.

They seem to have identical behavior, except that regular blocks can have continue blocks as well:

  next ;
  print "I won't print." ;
} continue {
  print "But, I will." ;
} # prints But, I will.

  last ;
  print "I won't print." ;
} continue {
  print "Neither will this." ;
} # prints nothing

Of course, blocks can labelled:

  INNER: {
    next OUTER ;
  } continue {
    print "This won't print." ;
} # prints nothing

for statements

Perl has traditional C-style for statements of the form for ( initializer ; test ; increment ) { body }:

for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
  print $i ;
} # prints 0 through 3 

foreach statements

The foreach form in Perl allows iteration over individual elements in arrays:

@array = ("foo","bar","baz") ;

foreach $element (@array) {
  print $element ;
} # prints foo, bar and then baz

In Perl, the keywords for and foreach may be used interchangeably.

As it turns out, the iteration variable is an alias to the elements:

@array = ("foo","bar","baz") ;

foreach $element (@array) {
  $element = "$element:x" ;

print "@array" ; # prints foo:x bar:x baz:x

Leaving off the variable for iteration will bind each element to the default variable, $_:

@array = (4,5,6) ;

foreach (@array) {
  print $_ ;
} # prints 4 through 6 

The default binding version may follow a statement:

print $_ for (1..3) ;         # prints 1; then 2; then 3
print $a for my $a (1..3) ;   # error

Labelled statements and goto

Any statement in Perl can be labelled, and goto can branch to any label:

$n = 4 ;
$a = 1 ; 
$a = $a * $n ;
$n = $n - 1 ;
goto TOP if $n >= 1 ;
print $a ; # prints 24 

Labels are resolved at run-time in Perl, which means that computed strings can be used to jump off to a label:

$fi = "FI" ;
$rst = "RST" ;
$first = "$fi$rst";
goto $first ;
FIRST: print "foo" ; goto DONE ;
SECOND: print "bar" ;
DONE: {} ;
# Program prints foo

The goto form in Perl is also used to perform tail call jumps.

The expression goto &proc will (effectively) return from the current procedure and immediately invoke proc in its place:

sub proc1 {
  goto &proc2 ; # tail call to proc2

sub proc2 {
  return 42 ;

print proc1 ;  # prints 42


The simplest expressions in Perl are literals: string constants like 'foo' and numeric constants like 3 or 3.14.

Many complex expressions in Perl are procedure or primitive calls of some kind.

Most other expressions types are constructed from binary, unary or ternary operators.

Perl supports the usual arithmetic operators:

print 10 + 20 ;  # prints 30 
print 10 - 20 ;  # prints -10 
print 10 / 20 ;  # prints 0.5 
print 10 * 20 ;  # prints 200 

print 2 ** 3 ;   # prints 8 (exponentiation)

Perl also supports unary increment and decrement:

$foo = 13 ;
print $foo++ ;   # prints 13 
print $foo   ;   # prints 14 
print ++$foo ;   # prints 15
print $foo   ;   # prints 15

print $foo-- ;   # prints 15 
print $foo   ;   # prints 14 
print --$foo ;   # prints 13
print $foo   ;   # prints 13

Perl also supports the common Boolean operators:

print "and: ", (20 && 10) ;  # prints 10
print "and: ", (0 && 20) ;   # prints 0

print "or: ", (1 || 2) ;     # prints 1
print "or: ", (0 || 1) ;     # prints 1

print "not: ", !0 ;          # prints 1 
print "not: ", !42 ;         # prints nothing

print "and: ", (20 and 10) ;  # prints 10
print "and: ", (0 and 20) ;   # prints 0

print "or: ", (1 or 2) ;      # prints 1
print "or: ", (0 or 1) ;      # prints 1

print "not: ", not 0 ;        # prints 1 
print "not: ", not 42 ;       # prints nothing

The word forms of each operator act identically, but have the lowest possible precedence.

Perl supports the common comparison operators as well:

if (10 == 10) { print "true" }   # prints true 
if (20 == 10) { print "false" }  # prints nothing 
if (10 <= 20) { print "true" }   # prints true
if (10 > 20) { print "false" }   # prints nothing

But, Perl requires named operators for string comparisons:

if (10 lt 20)  { print "true" }       # prints true
if (101 lt 20) { print "yikes!" }     # prints yikes!
if ("101" lt "20") { print "true" }   # prints true

if ("cat" lt "hat") { print "true" }  # prints true
if ("cat" gt "bat") { print "false" } # prints nothing
if ("cat" le "cat") { print "true" }  # prints true
if ("cat" ge "cat") { print "true" }  # prints true

if ("alice" == "bob") { print "uh-oh!" } # prints uh-oh!
if ("alice" eq "bob") { print "false" }  # prints nothing
if ("cat" eq "cat") { print "true" }     # prints true

Perl allows C-like bitwise and bitshift operators – &, |, ~, << and >> – as well, but caution should be taken when using them, since their interpretation changes depending on whether use integer or use bigint are in effect.

To a get a sense of how these operators work, we can use printf to print binary:

$a = 23 ;
$b = 71 ;
printf "%b\n", $a ;       # prints   10111
printf "%b\n", $b ;       # prints 1000111

printf "%b\n", $a & $b ;  # prints     111
printf "%b\n", $a | $b ;  # prints 1010111
printf "%b\n", ~$a ;      # prints 
 # 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101000

Perl supports a C-style ternary operator for conditionals too:

$name = "Alice" ;
print ($name eq "Alice" ? 1 : 2) ;  # prints 1

Some Perl operators are different, or have no counterpart in other languages.

The dot operator . is concatenation:

$foo = "Hello, " ;
$bar = "world!" ;
$foobar = $foo . $bar ;
print $foobar ;          # prints Hello, world!

The repetition operator x repeats a scalar (coerced to a list) or a list, depending on context:

$rrr = "r" x 10 ; 
print $rrr ;       # prints rrrrrrrrrr

@rrr = ("r") x 10 ;
print "@rrr" ;     # prints r r r r r r r r r r 

@rrr = "r" x 10 ;
print "@rrr" ;     # prints rrrrrrrrrr

@nums = (1,2) x 5 ;
print "@nums" ;    # prints 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

The parentheses on the left-hand side are required to force the list context.

The operator ~~ is “smartmatch,” which has “smart” comparison behavior:

@arr1 = (1,2,3) ;
@arr2 = (2,3) ;

@keys = ("foo") ;
%hash = (foo => 42, bar => 1701) ;

print "match" if @arr1 ~~ \@arr1 ; # prints match
print "match" if @arr2 ~~ @arr1 ;  # prints nothing

print "match" if @keys ~~ %hash ; # prints match

To predict the behavior of smartmatch, consult the offical Perl docs.

In a list context, the range operator ... produces an array starting with the left-hand side and going up to the right-hand side:

@range = 3...6 ;
print "@range" ;  # prints 3 4 5 6

In scalar context, the ... operator has a very different interpretation; the scalar ... operator is meant to emulate the range behavior of awk and sed.

In a scalar context, lhs ... rhs will be false until lhs evaluates to true. Then, it will be true until after rhs evaluates to false. Then, it will evaluate to false and wait for lhs to be true again:

$i = 0 ;
while ($i < 10) {
  print $i if ($i == 3) ... ($i == 7) ;
  $i++ ; 
} # prints 3 through 7

By introducing a toggle variable, the above code could be rewritten:

$toggle = true ;
$toggle = 1 ;
$i = 0 ;
while ($i < 10) {
  print $i if  ($toggle ? (($i == 3) ? !($toggle = 0) : 0)
                        : (($i == 7) ?  ($toggle = 1) : 1)) ;
  $i++ ; 
} # prints 3 through 7

Of course, one naturally wonders in which block this implicit $toggle variable lives. It could be the nearest enclosing block, or it could be the nearest enclosing procedure.

It appears that they are lexically scoped to the nearest procedure, which leads to suprises:

sub proc {  
  my @a = (1,2) ;
  my @b = (1,2,3,4) ;

  foreach my $a (@a) {  # execute this loop twice
    foreach my $b (@b) {

      my $flip = ($b == 3) ... ($b == 11) ;

      if ($flip) {
        print "\$b: 3 <= $b <= 11" ;

proc() ;  # prints:

# $b: 3 <= 3 <= 11  # OK
# $b: 3 <= 4 <= 11  # OK
# $b: 3 <= 1 <= 11  # uh-oh!
# $b: 3 <= 2 <= 11  # uh-oh!
# $b: 3 <= 3 <= 11  # looks OK, but it's not
# $b: 3 <= 4 <= 11  # looks OK, but it's not

Constants have a special interpretation if they appear in a ... operator. A constant implicitly compares for equality against the current line number of the input (stored in the variable $.).

The following program will print first 10 lines of input:

while (<>) {
 print if 1 ... 10 ;

because it is equivalent to:

while (<>) {
 print if ($. == 1) ... ($. == 10) ;

The .. operator is an alternative to ... with a minor difference: in the scalar context, .. will test the right-hand side when the left-hand side matches. If both match, then the .. evaluates to true once, and then resumes evaluating to false:

$i = 0 ;
while ($i < 10) {
  print $i if ($i == 3) .. ($i == 3) ;
  $i++ ; 
} # prints only 3 

$i = 0 ;
while ($i < 10) {
  print $i if ($i == 3) ... ($i == 3) ;
  $i++ ; 
} # prints 3 through 9


Perl supports several scoping disciplines.

By default, variables are scoped globally.

But, the keywords my and local can scope variables lexically and dynamically.

Global scope

If a variable has no explicit scope, then it is globally scoped, and it is visible to all blocks:

$g = 3.14 ;

  $g = $g * 2 ;

print $g ; # prints 6.28

sub mod_g {
  $g = $g / 2 ;

mod_g ;

print $g ; # prints 3.14

Lexical scoping

To scope variable lexically, mark it with my:

my $lexical_scalar ;
my ($lexical_scalar1,$lexical_scalar2) ;
my @lexical_array ;
my %lexical_hash ;

With lexical scoping, a variable is visible only to the block in which it is defined, and all inner blocks.

  my $x = 3 ;
    my $y = 10 ;
    print $x ; # prints 3 
  print $y ; # prints nothing 

Lexically scoped variables are also visible to procedures defined within the block and anonymous procedures defined within the block.

Anonymous subroutines “close over” their lexically scoped variables:

$x = "global x" ;
  my $x = "inner x" ;
  $f = sub {
    return $x ;

print &{$f} ; # prints "inner x" ;
print $x ;    # prints "global x" ;

The operator my can actually appear anywhere within the block and it will cause lexical scoping for the variable within that block, once it’s been evaluated:

$x = 10 ;
  $x = 3 ;   # $x is global
  my $x = 20 ;
  print $x ; # prints 20
print $x;    # prints 3

$x = 10 ;
  goto SKIP;
  $x = 3 ;   # by the time this hits, $x is lexical
  last ;

  my $x = 20 ;
  print $x ; # prints 20
print $x;    # prints 10 

Unfortunately, it is not hard to extend the prior example into a proof that the scope of a variable in Perl is (statically) undecidable in general.

Under the hood, my should really be seen as both a keyword and as an operator, since a my expression acts like an alias for the variable(s) it receives. This means it can appear almost anywhere that a variable can appear:

$x = 10 ;
  (my $x) = 20 ;
  print $x ;      # prints 20 
print $x;         # prints 10 

@stack = (1,2,3) ;

while (my $el = pop @stack) {
  print $el ;

sub half ($$) {
  $_[1] = $_[0] / 2 ;

$x = 1000 ;
  half 10, (my $x) ;
  print $x ;           # prints 5
print $x ;             # prints 1000

$x = 10  ;
foreach my $x (1,2,3) {
 print $x ;
}                     # prints 1 through 3
print $x ;            # prints 10

Dynamic scope

Dynamic scope could fairly be termed stack scope: when a local variable is evaluated, the topmost stack frame with a binding of that variable provides its value.

In Perl, the local keyword declares a variable to have local scope.

At first glance, dynamic scope seems to act like lexical scope:

  local $x = 3 ;
    local $y = 10 ;
    print $x ;        # prints 3 
  print $y ;          # prints nothing 

But, procedures can discriminate between lexical and dynamic scope:

sub get_x {
  return $x ;

  my $x = 10 ;
  print get_x() ;  # prints nothing

  local $x = 10 ;   
  print get_x() ;  # prints 10

print get_x() ;    # prints nothing

Static (state) variables

If use feature "state" is in effect, then Perl also has a lexically scoped variables that are initialized only once known as state variables.

These behave similar to static local variables in C:

use feature "state" ;

sub inc_count() {
  state $count = 0 ;
  return ++$count ;

print inc_count() ;   # prints 1
print inc_count() ;   # prints 2
print inc_count() ;   # prints 3

Lexical versus dynamic versus global

The following program illustrates the difference between the three scoping disciplines:

$foo = 20 ;

sub print_foo() {
  print $foo ;

# Lexically scoped $foo:
sub lexical_foo() {
  my $foo = 50 ;
  print_foo() ;

lexical_foo() ;  # prints 20
print_foo() ;    # prints 20

# Dynamically scoped $foo:
sub dynamic_foo() {
  local $foo = 40 ;
  print_foo() ;

dynamic_foo() ;  # prints 40
print_foo() ;    # prints 20 

# Globally scoped $foo:
sub global_foo() {
  $foo = 60 ;
  print_foo() ;

global_foo() ;   # prints 60
print_foo() ;    # prints 60 

Quote operators: Strings and regex

Perl is filled with quote forms and quote-like operators.

Singly-quoted strings are literal strings, with no interpolation:

print 'This is a $string' ;  # prints This is a $string

There is an “quote operator” form for non-interpolated strings: q:

print q(This is a $string.) ;   # prints This is a $string.
print q{This is a $string.} ;   # prints This is a $string.
print q|This is a $string.| ;   # prints This is a $string.
print q<This is a $string.> ;   # prints This is a $string.
print q/This is a $string./ ;   # prints This is a $string.
print q#This is a $string.# ;   # prints This is a $string.
print q"This is a $string." ;   # prints This is a $string.
print q zThis is a $string.z ;  # prints This is a $string.

A quote operator takes a delimiter character, and then it looks for a matching delimiter.

Most characters act as their own matching delimiter, but the balanced delimiters <, (, { and [ match with >, ), } and ] respectively.

If a balanced delimiter is in use, it all internal uses of those balanced delimiters must be balanced:

print q(This (and this) run.) ;  # prints This (and this) run.
print q(This (and this fails.) ; # error

The advantage of quote operators is that ' and " do not have to be escaped within them (unless of course, they were chosen as the delimiter character):

print 'I don\'t like escaping.' ; # prints I don't like escaping.
print q(I don't like esacping.) ; # prints I don't like escaping.

Strings and interpolation

Double-quoted strings are literal strings, but with interpolation:

$pi = 3.14 ;
@a = ("of","a","circle") ;
print "$pi is the circumference @a over its diameter." ;
 # prints 3.14 is the circumference of a circle over its diameter.

When an array variable appears within an string, it expands, by default, with single spaces between its elements.

But, it is possible to change the separator by assigning it to the special variable $":

@array = (1,2,3) ;

  local $" = '::' ;
  print "@array" ;    # prints 1::2::3 

print "@array" ;

The quote operator form of double quotes is qq:

$string = "dog" ;
print qq(This is a $string.) ;   # prints This is a dog. 
print qq{This is a $string.} ;   # prints This is a dog.
print qq[This is a $string.] ;   # prints This is a dog.
print qq<This is a $string.> ;   # prints This is a dog.
print qq|This is a $string.| ;   # prints This is a dog.
print qq/This is a $string./ ;   # prints This is a dog.
print qq#This is a $string.# ;   # prints This is a dog.
print qq"This is a $string." ;   # prints This is a dog.
print qq zThis is a $string.z ;  # prints This is a dog.

If necessary for differentiation, interpolated variables can be delineated with {}:

$prefix = "bi" ;

print "$prefixmodal" ;   # prints nothing, $prefixmodal not a var
print "${prefix}modal" ; # prints bimodal

String interpolation even attempts array and hash indexing:

@registries = (42,1701) ;

print "NCC-$registries[1]" ;  # prints NCC-1701

Backtick: Shell process expansion

Backtick quotes, `, work like they do in bash: they execute the shell command, and evaluate to its output as a Perl value:

print `ls` ; # prints all files in the current directory

In an list context, it splits the output along newlines, unless the variable $/ is set to a different separator:

@files = `ls` ;
foreach $file (@files) {
  chomp $file ;            # remove newline from end of $file
  print "file: $file" ;
} # prints each file, but with file: first

  local $/ = ':';
  @last_user = `tail -1 /etc/passwd` ;
  print "@last_user" ; # prints passwd entry for the last user, 
                       # with space after each :

  # looks like:
  # robot: *: 239: 239: robot: /var/empty: /usr/bin/false

The quote operator form of backtick expansion is qx:

@files = qx|ls| ;
foreach $file (@files) {
  chomp $file ;            # remove newline from end of $file
  print "file: $file" ;
} # prints each file, but with file: first

As with doubly-quoted strings, interpolation works on backtick expanded quote forms as well:

$passwd = '/etc/passwd';
$password_file = `cat $passwd` ; 
print $password_file ;            # Prints contents of /etc/passwd

But, using the qx quote operator with ' as a delimiter will not interpolate:

$user = `echo $USER` ;     # runs echo with no args
print $user ;              # prints nothing

$user = qx'echo $USER' ;   
print $user ;              # prints value of shell var $USER

Quote operators that allow interpolation (except qq itself) disable interpolation when the delimiter is the single quote, '.

Quote words

For quickly creating an array of whitespace-separated words, the quote operator qw is convenient:

@names = qw(Harry     Larry 
 Moe) ;
print "@names" ; # prints Harry Larrry Moe

Regular expressions

If you’re not familiar, with regular expressions you will want to read my guide to regular expressions.

Regular expressions are yet another form of quote operator in Perl.

The default quote for a matching regular expression operation is /.

A regular expression, by default, attempts to match against the contents of the default variable, $_.

$_ = "foobar" ;
print "yes" if /foo/ ; # prints yes
print "yes" if /bar/ ; # prints yes
print "no"  if /baz/ ; # does not print

The matching operator =~ allows testing against a specific variable:

$fb = "facebook" ;
print "yes" if $fb =~ /face/ ;  # prints yes
print "yes" if $fb =~ /book/ ;  # prints yes
print "no"  if $fb =~ /apple/ ; # does not print

If the right-hand side is not a regular expression quote, then run-time value of the expression is dynamically interpreted as a regular expression:

$fb = "facebook" ;
$face = "face" ;
$book = "bo+k" ;
$apple = "ap*le" ;
print "yes" if $fb =~ $face ;   # prints yes
print "yes" if $fb =~ $book ;   # prints yes
print "no"  if $fb =~ $apple ;  # does not print

The matching quote operator m allows one to change the quotes on a matching regular expression:

$fb = "facebook" ;
print "yes" if $fb =~ m(face) ;  # prints yes
print "yes" if $fb =~ m|book| ;  # prints yes
print "no"  if $fb =~ m"apple" ; # does not print

To quote (and potentially invest time optimizing) a regular expression for later use (rather than match with it immediately), use the qr quote operator:

$fb = "facebook" ;
$face = qr{face} ;
$book = qr|bo+k| ;
print "yes" if $fb =~ $face ;      # prints yes
print "yes" if $fb =~ $book ;      # prints yes
print "no"  if $fb =~ qr/ap*le/ ;  # does not print

With regular expression quotes, interpolation of variables is allowed, as it is in doubly-quoted stings:

$rx = "foo|bar" ;

print "match" if "foobar" =~ /$rx/ ;     # prints match
print "match" if "foobar" =~ /x${rx}x/ ; # prints nothing
                                         # tries to match xfoo|barx

Extracting matches from regular expressions

Directly after a successful match, Perl binds variables to submatches.

Parentheses do more than dictate precedence; they indicate submatches.

The nth leftmost parenthesis denotes the nth submatch, and the variable $n holds the nth submatch:

$words = "foo bar baz qux" ;
$words =~ /(\w+) (\w+) (\w+) (\w+)/ ;

print $1 ; # prints foo
print $2 ; # prints bar
print $3 ; # prints baz
print $4 ; # prints qux

$head = "## This is a title [ref] ##" ;
if ($head =~ /^##[ ]*((\w|\s)+)\s*\[(\w*)\][ ]*##$/) {
  print $1 ; # prints This is a title
  print $3 ; # prints ref
} else {
  print "No match!"

The entire matched segment is availale in the variable $&:

$in = "foobarrrrrrrrrrrrbaz" ;
$in =~ /bar*/ ;
print $& ; # prints barrrrrrrrrrrr

Regular expression modifiers

Regular expression quotes may be directly followed flags that modify both the parsing and the behavior of the regular expressions.

The multiline modifier m modifies the behavior of the anchors ^ and $ so that each can match where a linebreak happens:

$in = "foo\nbar\nbaz" ;

print "no"  if $in =~ /^bar$/ ;  # prints nothing
print "yes" if $in =~ /^bar$/m ; # prints yes

The “single line” modifier s changes the behavior of . so that it can match newline:

$in = "foo\nbar" ;
print "no"  if $in =~ /foo.bar/ ;  # prints nothing
print "yes" if $in =~ /foo.bar/s ; # prints yes

The p modifier copies the string prior to the match, the matched string and the string after the match into ${^PREMATCH}, ${^MATCH} and ${^POSTMATCH} respectively:

$in = "This is foo." ; 
$in =~ /foo/p;
print ${^PREMATCH} ;   # prints This is 
print ${^MATCH} ;      # prints foo
print ${^POSTMATCH} ;  # prints .

The case-insensitive modifier i ignores case according to the current locale:

$in = "fooBAR" ;
print "no"  if $in =~ /foobar/ ;  # prints nothing
print "yes" if $in =~ /foobar/i ; # prints yes

The modifier x ignores whitespace and comments in the pattern:

$in = "foobar" ;
print "no"  if $in =~ /foo bar/ ;  # prints nothing
print "yes" if $in =~ /foo bar/x ; # prints yes

This permits nicely document regular expressions:

$ipchunk = qr{(
    [0-9]        # 0   - 9
 |  [1-9][0-9]   # 10  - 99
 |  1[0-9][0-9]  # 100 - 199
 |  2[0-4][0-9]  # 200 - 249
 |  25[0-5]      # 250 - 255
)}x ;

print "no"  if "256" =~ /^$ipchunk$/ ; # prints nothing
print "yes" if "255" =~ /^$ipchunk$/ ; # prints yes

In an list context, the “global” modifier g returns an array of all matches within the search string:

$in = "123,456,789";
@allmatches = ($in =~ /\d+/g) ;
print $allmatches[0] ; # prints 123
print $allmatches[1] ; # prints 456
print $allmatches[2] ; # prints 789

In a scalar context, the modifier g causes the match operator to remember matches, and return each one successively for each evaluation:

$in = "123,456,789";
while ($in =~ /(\d+)/g) {
  print $1 ;
} # prints 123, then 456, then 789

The special pattern \G matches the last match point on a per-string basis. The current procedure pos yields the current match point for string:

$in = "123,456,789";
print pos $in ;   # prints nothing 
$in =~ /(\d+)/g ;
print pos $in ;   # prints 3
$in =~ /(\d+)/g ; 
print pos $in ;   # prints 7
$in =~ /(\d+)/g ;
print pos $in ;   # prints 11

The procedure pos can also set the last match point for a string:

$in = "123,456,789";
$in =~ /(\d+)/g ;
print $1;            # prints 123
$in =~ /(\d+)/g ; 
print $1 ;           # prints 456
pos($in) = 3 ;
$in =~ /(\d+)/g ;
print $1      ;      # prints 456

Caution must be taken, because while the last-match position is held per-string copying the string will reset it:

$in = "123,456,789";
$in =~ /(\d+)/g ;
print pos $in ;       # prints 3 
$inref = \$in ;
print pos ${$inref} ; # prints 3
$in2 = $in ;
print pos $in2 ;      # prints nothing!

The modifier c, in conjunction with g, does not reset the match position for the string on a failed match.

This makes it easy to build lightweight lexical analyzers:

$in = "if (cond) { print ; }" ;
$in =~ /^/g ;
while (1) {
  print "IF"    if $in =~ /\Gif/gc ;
  print ""      if $in =~ /\G\s+/gc ;
  print "PRINT" if $in =~ /\Gprint/gc ;
  print "ID"    if $in =~ /\G\w+/gc ;
  print "LP"    if $in =~ /\G\(/gc ;
  print "RP"    if $in =~ /\G\)/gc ;
  print "LB"    if $in =~ /\G\{/gc; 
  print "RB"    if $in =~ /\G\}/gc ;
  print "SEMI"  if $in =~ /\G;/gc ;
  last if $in =~ /\G$/gc ;

# prints
# IF
# LP
# ID
# RP
# LB
# RB

Substitution operators

Perl borrows and significantly extends sed’s substitution quote operator, s.

The general form for substitution is s/pattern/replacement/modifiers.

The balanced delimiter forms must balance pattern and replacement:

$in = "foo" ;
$in =~ s{foo}{bar} ;
print $in ; # prints bar

The s operator returns true if a substitution succeeds, and false otherwise:

As with the match operator m, it operatos on $_ by default, and it places the result in $_ by default, but the =~ operator can force it to operator on a different variable:

$_ = "foo" ; 
s/foo/bar/ ;
print $_ ;          # prints bar

$in = "foo" ; 
$in =~ s/foo/bar/ ;
print $in ;         # prints bar

The same flags that apply to the match quote operator m also work with substitution:

$in = "This is a foo foo." ;
$in =~ s/foo/bar/ ;
print $in ; # prints This is a bar foo.

$in = "This is a foo foo." ;
$in =~ s/foo/bar/g ;
print $in ; # prints This is a bar bar.

The submatch variables $n are visible in the replacement:

$in = "Triple: this" ;
$in =~ s/(Triple: )(\w+)/$1$2$2$2/ ;
print $in ; # prints "Triple: thisthisthis" 

Since the s operator destroys its target string by default, it also accepts an r modifier which causes it to (non-destructively) return the result instead:

$in = "foo" ;
$out = ($in =~ s/foo/bar/r) ;
print $in ;   # prints foo
print $out ;  # prints bar

Exception-handling and eval

Perl allows run-time evaluation of code. eval runs the interpreter on the string or block that it’s given.

For scoping purposes, the code run in eval runs in its own block:

my $foo ;
eval '$foo = 3;' ;
print $foo ;                        # prints 3

eval 'sub f { print "Hello" ; }' ;
f() ;                               # prints Hello

my $x = 42 ;
eval 'print $x;'                    # prints 42

eval '$y = 10;' ;
print $y ;                          # prints 10

eval 'my $z = 20;' ;
print $z ;                          # prints nothing

If the code run by eval fails, then the failure does not terminate the script; rather, it returns from the eval expression, and places the error in the special variable $@.

Perl does not have proper exception-handling constructs that programmers from languages like Java or C++ would recognize.

The idiom for exception-handling is to eval a risky block of code, and then to check if it called die by examining the value of $@ afterward.

sub fail_on_one {
  if ($_[0] == 1) {
    die("fail") ;
  print "success" ;

eval {
  fail_on_one 2 ;          # prints success
} ;
if ($@) {
  print "failure: " . $@ ; # does not print

eval {
  fail_on_one 1 ;          # does not print
} ;
if ($@) {
  print "failure: " . $@ ; # prints fail at <file> line <number>.

In some sense, eval acts like try, die acts like throw and if ($@) acts like catch.

Because Perl allows blocks as parameters to procedures, many Perl resources (such as this one) point out that it is possible to mimic a try-catch:

# try evals the block, and then calls the handler for errors:
sub try (&$) {
  my ($tryblock,$handler) = @_ ;

  eval { &{$tryblock} } ; 

  if ($@) {
    &{$handler}($@) ;

# catch returns a procedure that handles an error, if any:
sub catch (&) {
  my ($handler) = @_ ;
  return sub {
    my ($error) = @_ ;
    $handler->($error) ;
  } ;

sub throw ($) {
  my ($error) = @_ ;
  die $error ;

sub fail_on_one {
  if ($_[0] == 1) {
    die("fail") ;
  print "success" ;

try {
  fail_on_one 2 ;       # prints success
catch {
  print "caught: @_" ;  # does not execute
} ;

try {
  fail_on_one 1 ;       # fails
catch {
  print "caught: @_" ;  # prints caught: ...
} ;


In Perl, the package keyword creates a package.

Typically, a Perl named name package would go into a file named name.pm:

The simplest valid package in Perl is just returns true:

# Foo.pm
package Foo;

A program can import a package name in file name.pm with require name ;

require Foo ;

To give parameters to a package, import it with the use keyword instead. The use keyword passes the parameters it receives directly to the import procedure within the module, but adds the package itself as the first parameter:

# Foo.pm
package Foo;

sub import {
  my ($package,%params) = @_ ;
  print $package ;
  print $params{'life'} ;


It is common to pass parameters as a hash:

# main.pl
use Foo (life => 42, ship => 1701) ; # prints Foo, then 42

Perl also allows packages inlined within a file by placing all of the package within a block:

package Bar {
print "Bar is imported." ; # prints Bar is imported.

Inlined packages do not need to return true.

The package is immediately imported after the declaration.

To declare an externally visible variable in a Perl package, use the scoping operator our, and access package variables with :: in the namespace:

package Bar {
  my $hidden = 10 ;
  our $foo = 20 ; 
} ;

print $Bar::foo ;    # prints 20
print $Bar::hidden ; # prints nothing; can't see $hidden

Procedures are visible as package members by default:

package Bar {

  our $foo = 20 ; 

  sub proc {
    print "visible: $foo" ;

} ;

Bar::proc() ;  # prints visible: 20
proc() ;       # error: proc not visible

Modules can export procedure names into the main module user’s namespace as well. In order to do so, modules should use the base Exporter module, and then specify the names of the procedures to export in our @EXPORT:

# Baz.pm
package Baz;

use base 'Exporter' ;

our @EXPORT = qw(my_proc) ;

sub my_proc {
  print "My procedure!" ;

Be careful when using the Exporter package: it provides its own import method to handle exporting.

When using the package, exported names are directly available:

use Baz ;

my_proc() ; # prints My procedure!


[Warning: Nothing in this article is idiomatic Perl, but this section is especially unidiomatic in its rank abuse of bless and packages while exposing the underlying semantics of objects.]

Any reference in Perl can be turned into an object by blessing it:

$o = {} ;   # an anonymous hash

print $o ;  # prints HASH(0xAddr)

bless $o ;  # $o is now an object

print $o ;  # prints main=HASH(0xAddr) 

A blessed object is allowed to use the -> operator to call methods.

The -> operator will look for a procedure with the method’s name in the namespace associated with the object.

If bless wasn’t given a namespace when the object was created, then -> looks the default (global) namespace, known as main:

sub some_method {
  print "called a method" ;

$a = bless {} ;
$a->some_method ; # prints called a method

$b = {} ;
$b->some_method ; # error: $b is not blessed

By creating a package and passing that to bless when the object is created, method look-up happens in the package:

package Dog {

  sub growl {
    print "grrrrr" ;


$rex = bless {}, Dog ;

print $rex ;     # prints Dog=HASH(0xAddr) 

$rex->growl() ;  # prints grrrr

Curiously, if a procedure is invoked with an object as its first argument, then the procedure will be looked up in the packages’s scope rather than the current scope:

package Dog {

  sub growl {
    print "grrrrr" ;


$rex = bless {}, Dog ;
$max = {} ;

$rex->growl() ;  # prints grrrr

growl $rex ;     # also prints grrrr

growl $max ;     # error: growl not defined in this scope

So, Perl’s object-oriented system has been grafted on top of its module system. Packages do double duty as class definitions.

When a procedure gets invoked as a method, the first parameter it receives is the object itself:

sub print_args {
  print "@_" ;

$o = bless {} ;

$o->print_args (1, 2, 3) ;  # prints main=HASH(0xAddr) 1 2 3

Blessed hashes can then store fields in the hash itself:

sub set_x {
  $_[0]->{"x"} = $_[1] ;

sub get_x {
  return $_[0]{"x"} ;
$o = bless {} ;

$o->set_x(42) ;

print $o->get_x() ; # prints 42

Class inheritance in Perl is specified in the our @ISA variable for a package.

If a method isn’t on the blessed package, then it checks the packages in @ISA for the method:

package Animal {
  sub eat {
    print "nom nom" ;

package Cat {
  our @ISA = (Animal) ;

$max = bless {}, Cat ;

$max->eat() ;  # prints nom nom

There is an alternate method call syntax, in which the method name is specified as a string or an procedure reference in a variable:

sub my_method {
  print "called my_method" ;

$o = bless {} ;

$name = 'my_method' ;

$o->$name () ;  # prints called my_method

By convention, Perl packages acting as classes provide a new procedure to construct objects. Because packages themselves (interpreted as strings) act as objects, new may be invoked as a method from the package itself:

package Ship {

  sub new {
    my ($class,@args) = @_ ;

    $self = bless {}, $class ;

    $self->{'x'} = $args[0] ;
    $self->{'y'} = $args[1] ;

    return $self ;

  sub print_position {
    my ($self) = @_ ;

    print "($self->{'x'},$self->{'y'})" ;


$enterprise = Ship->new(-32, 17) ;
$enterprise->print_position ; # prints (-32,17)

Special variables

Perl makes use of many special variables.

The official Perl documentation on special variables contains an in-depth discussion.

In same cases, changing these variables globally leads to unintended interactions with other components of the program.

Binding them as local (dynamically scoped) variables within a block directly before their use can prevent these interactions.

$_ : Default input/output

$_ is, by convention, the default input and output for many procedures and operators (when none other is specified), including print, chomp, the regex quote operators and many input operators.

@_ : Arguments to a procedure

All arguments to a procedure are passed in the special variable @_:

sub proc {
  my ($first,$second,$third) = @_ ;
  print $second ;

proc 1, 2, 3 ; # prints 2

$" : Array string interpolation separator

If an array is inteprolated within a quote operator, then the value of $" is spliced between elements:

$" = "-" ;
@a = (1,2,3) ;
print @a ;      # prints 123
print "@a" ;    # prints 1-2-3

$$ : Current process id

The variable $$ holds the process id for the current process.

$0 : Program name

As in many shell langugaes, $0 contains the program that was executed.

$; : Subscript separator

There is a convention in Perl that allows hashes to accept multiple keys in order to simulate multidimensional arrays using hashes.

By default, when multiple keys are given, they are joined together with concatenated as a single string to act as a key.

But, if the special $; variable is non-empty, then it will be placed between keys during concatenation:

$; = ";" ;
%hash = () ;
$hash{0,0} = 1 ;
$hash{1,1} = 1 ;
$hash{2,2} = 1 ;
print $hash{'0;0'} ; # prints 1

%ENV : Environment variables

The special hash %ENV contains the environment variables for this process.

Modifying the entries in %ENV will change the environment for newly created child processes as well.

%SIG : Signal handlers

If the process receives a signal name (e.g. INT, PIPE), it will invoke the procedure referenced in in $SIG{name}.

$\ : Output record separator

By default, $\ is empty, but if it is set, then this will print at the end of every print command.

$/ : Input record separator

Normally, when reading from a filehandle with <>, it reads until a newline. If $/ is set to something else, then it reads until the next instance of this string.

$, : Output field separator

When set, print inserts the contents of $, between its arguments:

$, = "::" ;
print "foo", "bar", "baz" ; # prints foo::bar::baz

$. : Current line number for most recent filehandle

The variable $. holds the line number of the most recently accessed filehandle.

For example, to number each line from STDIN:

print "$.: $_" while (<STDIN>) ;

What’s next?

The goal of this article was to provide an experimental understanding of Perl’s syntax and its semantics.

Perl’s standard library contains many routines useful for common tasks, particularly with respect to text and basic data structure manipulation.

New users to Perl should take the time to browse the standard library.

Perl also has a large ecosystem of libraries and packages.

The CPAN repository contains most of them, and the cpan tool can automatically download and install many of them.

Several Perl programmers felt it irresponsible for me not to mention use strict and use warnings.

When use strict and use warnings are in effect, many of the abuses I used to poke at the internal workings of the Perl interpreter won’t work anymore (or you’ll be warned), and it is generally considered good practice to program with them in effect.

Related resources and posts

  • Several readers recommend Modern Perl.
  • For learning the Perl, the (modern) classic Learning Perl is a great introduction:
  • If you're serious about writing good Perl (and yes, you can), then bryan d foy's (recently updated!) Mastering Perl is required reading:
  • And, an excellent companion is the Perl Cookbook: