Why Python and Racket?
My undergrad compilers class has to implement a compiler for Python.
The intermediate representation used by their compiler is a cut-down Racket extended with Pythonic control-flow constructs.
That's why you'll find motivating examples in Python that get desugared into a Racket-like code.
A note on call/ec
This code makes heavy use of call/ec
Not all languages support escape continuations, but many support the (more general) full continuations. Full continuations work in place of escape continuations with a mild performance penalty.
You can also simulate call/ec
in C with
and longjmp
Implementing return
Newcomers to functional programming are often
struck by the lack of a return
(and, I suppose, by the lack of statements entirely).
There are natural coding patterns that exploit the ability to bail out of a function early, like the following:
def f(): if easy case: return this if also easy case: return that do something complicated down here
Fortunately, it's easy to add a return statement to functional languages that support continuations.
A return statement is a "second-class escape continuation."
Conversely, think of an escape continuation as a first-class return statement.
That is, imagine that return
was just a special procedure bound every time
you entered a function, and that to return from the function, you passed the
return value to this special procedure.
In Racket, we can grab the escape continuation for a function with
, or call/ec
for short.
If we want to add a define/return
form to the language
so that the following works:
(define/return (max a b) (when (> a b) (return a)) (return b))
we can create a macro that desugars it into:
(define (max a b) (call/ec (lambda (return) (when (> a b) (return a)) (return b))))
In Racket:
(define-syntax (define/return stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ f-params body ...) ; => (with-syntax ([return (datum->syntax #'f-params 'return)]) #'(define f-params (call/ec (λ (return) body ...))))]))
It's just as easy to add a lambda/return
Implementing while
A while
loop seems easy
to implement in terms of tail-recursion or gotos.
In fact, it is.
But, break
and continue
complicate matters--especially when it comes time to
implement exceptions.
Fortunately, break
and continue
like return, are also escape continuations.
It's also best to implement these features as escape continuations.
Take the general while
loop form in
Python for example:
while cond: body else: otherwise
This would be desugared in Racket as:
(call/ec (λ (break) (letrec ([loop (λ () (when cond (call/ec (λ (continue) body)) (loop)))]) (loop) otherwise)))
A call to break
bails out of the loop, skipping over the else case.
A call to continue
jumps to the next iteration of the loop.
A macro to transform
(while cond body else)
forms is:
(define-syntax (while stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ cond body else) ; => (with-syntax ([break (datum->syntax #'body 'break)] [continue (datum->syntax #'body 'continue)]) #'(call/ec (λ (break) (letrec ([loop (λ () (when cond (call/ec (λ (continue) body)) (loop)))]) (loop) else))))]))
Implementing try
Exceptions are the canonical example of escape continuations.
A reasonable approach for implementing exceptions is to create a special "handler" cell in memory. That cell contains the escape continuation to invoke once an exception is raised.
Let's start by compiling a (try body handler)
This is a try
form without finally
We're going to add two global procedures to help--current-handler
(define $current-handler (lambda (ex) (error "top-level exception!"))) (define (current-handler) $current-handler) (define (set-current-handler! handler) (set! $current-handler handler))
The variable $current-handler
holds a pointer
to the current exception handler.
An isolated desugaring of the try
form is not hard:
(let ([$old (current-handler)]) (call/ec (lambda (ec) (set-current-handler! (lambda (ex) (set-current-handler! $old) (ec (handler ex)))) (let ([rv body]) (set-current-handler! $old) rv))))
This code:
- saves the old exception handler in
; - captures the current escape continuation in
; - sets a new handler that invokes
; and - runs the body.
Whether the body returns naturally, or by invoking an exception, the old handler gets restored.
But, what happens if we have code like the following?
def f(): try: return 10 except: print("you should never see me")
This function leaves the wrong handler installed after it returns!
This is because return
bypasses the clean-up routines
we established with the desugaring of try
, leaving
the handler installed.
To fix this, we need to bind new versions of return
(and break
and continue
that perform handler clean-up before exiting the loop:
(let ([$old (current-handler)]) (let* ([return (λ args (set-current-handler! $old) (apply return args))] [continue (λ () (set-current-handler! $old) (continue))] [break (λ () (set-current-handler! $old) (break))]) (call/ec (λ (ec) (set-current-handler! (λ (ex) (set-current-handler! $old) (ec (handler ex)))) (let ([rv body]) (set-current-handler! $old) rv)))))
But, if we want to allow a finally
expression, through an expanded try
(try body handler finally)
things get more complicated.
The finally
code must run when
we leave the dynamic extent of the try
It must run whether we return out of it, whether we break out of it, whether we continue out of it, or where we raise out of it.
But, what it must do after
the finally
depends on how we got into it:
- If we fall through by exiting the
body normally, it should continue after thefinally
. - If we return out, then after the
code executes, it should immediately return the provided return value. - If we break out, then it should run the
code and jump out of the enclosing loop form. - If we continue out, then it should run the
code and jump to the top of the enclosing loop form. - If we raise out, then it should run the
code and re-raise the exception--unless the exception was handled, in which case it should fall through the bottom offinally
We can make all of this possible by creating a pointer to a thunk that should perform the post-finally action.
We need to capture and redirect all escaping continuations to pass through
by having them install their ordinary behavior in that thunk.
There's a further wrinkle in that if during the course of the exception handling,
we throw another exception, we still have to run through the finally
In other words, the exception handler has to install an exception handler.
Here's the desugaring to make it all happen:
(let* ([$val (void)] [$fin (λ () $val)] [$old (current-handler)]) (call/ec (λ (fin) (let* ([return (λ args (set! $fin (λ () (apply return args))) (fin))] [continue (λ () (set! $fin continue) (fin))] [break (λ () (set! $fin break) (fin))]) (call/ec (λ (ec) (set-current-handler! (λ (ex) ; if the handler ; throws an exception, ; re-throw it after ; the finally block: (set-current-handler! (λ (ex*) (set! $fin (λ () (throw ex*))) (ec #f))) (ec (let ([rv (handler ex)]) (set! $fin (λ () rv)))))) (let ([rv body]) (set! $fin (λ () rv)) (fin))))))) (set-current-handler! $old) (set! $val finally) ($fin)))
We also need to consider a try
form without an exception handler,
(try body finally)
Fortunately, all it has to do is re-raise the exception:
(let* ([$val (void)] [$fin (λ () $val)] [$old (current-handler)]) (call/ec (λ (fin) (let* ([return (λ args (set! $fin (λ () (apply return args))) (fin))] [continue (λ () (set! $fin continue) (fin))] [break (λ () (set! $fin break) (fin))]) (call/ec (λ (ec) (set-current-handler! (λ (ex) ; re-throw after finally: (set! $fin (λ () (throw ex))) (fin))) (let ([rv body]) (set! $fin (λ () rv)) (fin))))))) (set-current-handler! $old) (set! $val finally) ($fin)))
Implementing throw
Compared to all the excitement above,
desugars with a wimper:
(define (throw ex) ((current-handler) ex))
Macro-expanders for all of the above are available
in compiling-with-exceptions
More resources
- I learned everything I know about compiling exceptions
from Appel's
Compiling with Continuations
- My post on programming with continuations.
- My post on continuation-passing style in JavaScript.
- Reader Travis Cardwell pointed me to the this excellent resource by Graham Hutton and Joel Wright: Calculating an Exception Machine [video].