I got tired of using factorial and fibonacci as benchmarks for my
research, so I threw together an implementation of the RSA public-key
cryptography system in Scheme.
Automatic support for arbitrarily large numbers makes the implementation
feel more natural than an equivalent implementation in other languages.
I also learned that gcd
, used for coprimality testing, has been a part
of the Scheme standard since at least R5RS.
The short implementation is appended below.
Note: I have also created an implementation of the Fermat and
Solovay-Strassen primality
useful for the key-generation phase of RSA.
;; Mathematical routines.
; extended-gcd(a,b) = (x,y), such that a*x + b*y = gcd(a,b)
(define (extended-gcd a b)
(if (= (modulo a b) 0)
(cons 0 1)
(let* ((x:y (extended-gcd b (modulo a b)))
(x (car x:y))
(y (cdr x:y)))
(cons y (- x (* y (quotient a b)))))))
; modulo-inverse(a,n) = b, such that a*b = 1 [mod n].
(define (modulo-inverse a n)
(modulo (car (extended-gcd a n)) n))
; totient(n) = (p - 1)*(q - 1),
; where pq is the prime factorization of n.
(define (totient p q) (* (- p 1) (- q 1)))
; square(x) = x^2
(define (square x) (* x x))
; modulo-power(base,exp,n) = base^exp [mod n]
(define (modulo-power base exp n)
(if (= exp 0)
(if (odd? exp)
(modulo (* base (modulo-power base (- exp 1) n)) n)
(modulo (square (modulo-power base (/ exp 2) n)) n))))
;; RSA routines.
; A legal public exponent e is between
; 1 and totient(n), and gcd(e,totient(n)) = 1
(define (is-legal-public-exponent? e p q)
(and (< 1 e)
(< e (totient p q))
(= 1 (gcd e (totient p q)))))
; The private exponent is the inverse of the public exponent, mod n.
(define (private-exponent e p q)
(if (is-legal-public-exponent? e p q)
(modulo-inverse e (totient p q))
(error "Not a legal public exponent for that modulus.")))
; An encrypted message is c = m^e [mod n].
(define (encrypt m e n)
(if (> m n)
(error "The modulus is too small to encrypt the message.")
(modulo-power m e n)))
; A decrypted message is m = c^d [mod n].
(define (decrypt c d n)
(modulo-power c d n))
;; RSA example.
(define p 41) ; A "large" prime.
(define q 47) ; Another "large" prime.
(define n (* p q)) ; The public modulus.
(define e 7) ; The public exponent.
(define d (private-exponent e p q)) ; The private exponent.
(define plaintext 42)
(define ciphertext (encrypt plaintext e n))
(define decrypted-ciphertext (decrypt ciphertext d n))
(display "The plaintext is: ")
(display plaintext)
(display "The ciphertext is: ")
(display ciphertext)
(display "The decrypted ciphertext is: ")
(display decrypted-ciphertext)
(if (not (= plaintext decrypted-ciphertext))
(error "RSA fail!"))
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